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Bremerton, Washington, United States
I’m Stefani and welcome to my very first blog. Here I will share with you my adventures! Be prepared for trip reports from my hiking excursions, keeping up with my journey of raising chickens, and pretty much anything that interests me that I feel I must share with the world!
“Stay Positive and Love Your Life!” - 311

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hume's Ranch, Hurricane Ridge

A little less trip report and a little more go with the flow fun time weekend report. New friendships were to be had this past weekend, brought together by Instagram, hashing, and however else. Ahh social networking, and I now understand Instagram better! #itsridiculous.

Frosty morning
Friday four of us united up in Port Angeles where we were to start our journey with a short backpacking trip down by the Elwha River. A little behind schedule we got a later start so we hiked in a couple miles to Hume’s Ranch, I only had one good wipeout before needing to turn on our headlamps. Little do they know I probably would have tripped myself in the day light too. J

With camp all set up in the field the adventure was in full swing. Spirits were toasted as we explored the river bed, star gazed, played camp-made charades, and some monkey men climbed the big trees at camp. The weather held out and was beautiful and clear the entire time, but oh so cold!

The next morning one from our party departed and the three of us remaining hiked out our packs back to the car at the trail head for an adventure day. We trekked up from the Whiskey Bend TH to Hurricane Ridge, all the way to the visitor center and then some. The grade was slight but constant and we got to play in the snow! Yay! We made it to the top before dusk and were rewarded with an amazing sunset over the Olympic Mts.
Let's go get a ride
With nightfall upon us we headed up only a short way more before deciding to skip hiking the trail back home then more or less slid down to the road to hitch a ride into town. We didn’t have many options as the road closes at dusk so most visitors have left, but a few cars remained…although they passed right by us without hesitation! We ended up walking down the Heart O’ the Hills Rd towards Port Angeles making a few phone calls to see if anyone would be willing to come get a few hikers many miles from home or a car. Luckily another vehicle headed down the mountain and this time they stopped. They were kind enough to let us hop in the bed of their truck and delivered us only a few blocks from home where we could get another car to retrieve the one left at the TH, after dinner of course! Oh boy was that a cold car ride! No complaining though, I’m grateful for a ride and they were really friendly. They didn’t even question all the ridiculous sounds coming from the back of their truck as three crazy people were yelling and “barking” through the tunnels!

Once everything was settled and cars were picked up and back at the house we headed down to watch some live music… and apparently belly dancers and Salmonella, the local Queen in town, for a fund raising event. She was absolutely fabulous! I didn’t think a small town like PA had it in them for such a good time, but then again local places usually are better! Like that place we had burgers…OMG SO GOOD! Whatever it was called (of course I can’t remember), definitely going there after a hike again up that way.

One more day left in the weekend and it was surely not wasted. Headed back to Bremerton for a little running, beer and good times to top it all off. What a trip. Started out Friday being little more than strangers and ending up with great stories and a weekend of awesomeness with friends. Thanks guys for the good time and not feeding me to wild animals (although you did have me going there at the end about a bear, lol!) Hope to adventure some more soon!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Taylor River, Otter Falls


Wet wet WET! This was quite the rainy day hike. After the storm that passed through dumping a lot of snow as low as 2500’ the day prior we decided on a river hike.

On the road to the trail head right before it turns to gravel there was a big tree that blocked the road. It was right before the road met back up (from the loop) so you had to turn around and go all the way back around. I guess a lot of people go to the right (like we did) because there were a lot of people backtracking!


We got a little turned around with our directions and had to stop and walk around the campground before we figured out which way to go. Between the signs at the trailheads and our book’s direction (which weren’t exactly on the same page as each other) we finally got on track just before 11:00.

Trail starts by crossing over
Taylor River
Trail up to Otter Falls
This trial is pretty straightforward. You follow the trail to Snoqualmie Lake (which we didn’t initially know which caused us to get confused) which goes along…wait for it…Taylor River! Our destination was just to get to Otter Falls, which was more than enough in this downpour!


Climbing down to the falls

The trail to Otter Falls, and Lipsy Lake below it, is a little side trail off the main path marked by a couple cairns. You hike up through the trees a few hundred feet or so before emerging at the base of an impressive slab of stone with streams of water trickling down into the lake.

During our trip there were a few people camped out just inside the trees overlooking the falls. They’re in for a wet one! At least they’ll have the place to themselves for the night. Besides that group there were a few other groups of hikers. A couple and their puppy turned around when we got to them short of their destination of Otter Falls because the pup was getting too cold, I wish I could have told them they were so close!!! Not that I knew how close we were at the time.

LOTS of water on the trail, at times we were walking through ponds it seemed. In addition to rain it hailed on our hike, too.  There was snow on the trail also, but at a closer glance it looked like accumulation of hail.

Still without my GPS I am unsure of our final mileage and time, but it took us about 1.5 hours each way on this almost completely flat trail. Glad to get out of the rain, I’m hesitant on camping in it this upcoming weekend! >_<


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Rattlesnake Mountain

Rattlesnake Mountain 11/8/13

It would be fun to do a key swap and make it from one end of this mountain to the other. Unfortunately today was going to be another solo day for me. Boy, do I dislike hiking alone. I thought I would enjoy it… the solitude, becoming one with nature…Nope, I get lonely and honestly, I get kind of scared. Oh well, no one can/wants to go on this rainy day so I venture out alone. Turned out to be a great day none the less as always!
I get to the TH by 9:30, only one other car in the parking lot (where you do need a Discover Pass) and one more car showed up soon after I did. The older gentleman that showed up after me mentioned that he hikes Rattlesnake three times a week! You go man!

The trail starts off nicely, almost immediately it crosses a gravel road. In fact, it crosses the gravel road multiple times along this trail but it is easy to follow as the trail continues directly ahead and there are many wooden fences at these intersections. They are quite narrow too, I assume to discourage bikers and horse riders as this is a hiking only trail according to the signage.
As soon as I got to the power lines it starts sprinkling harder so I donned my gaiters and rain cover. I could hear the rain drops hitting the power lines, it made it sound like the rain was coming down much harder! Shortly after here my GPS went berserk! Ok, it happened to slowly fade out as I glanced at it. Thinking it was just the batteries I switched them out. That wasn’t it, all my maps and data had erased and I was currently standing somewhere in the mid-west. Due to that I was unable to keep track of my mileage, time and elevation from there on out.
My plan was to get to Grand Prospect and turn around. I sure didn’t like heading into the wooded areas. With the weather gloomy and fog rolling in, it sure made it dark in there! Knowing only one other person or group was ahead of me I wasn’t sure if and when I’d see anyone else…what if a cougar got me!? I know it’s unlikely, but it happens and the thought stayed with me until I would emerge from the trees. One of the reasons I don’t like to hike alone, I let my imagination get the best of me!
I opted to skip Stan’s Outlook at 2.5 miles and went straight on to Grand Prospect at 4.9 miles. These are the distances I’ve read and assume to be accurate since I have no more GPS. L Coming up near my destination a group of 4 ladies were headed back down, they must belong to the lone car in the parking lot before I showed up. I chatted with them a moment then head up the last stretch to my goal. There were no amazing views of Mt Si or Snoqualmie Valley here, except for on the sign which will point out what you’re looking at (on a clear day). There were a couple tiny breaks where you could see civilization down below, but it was quickly swallowed with the passing clouds.
My view at Grand Prospect
Can't you see Mt Si out there!?
Should-be view at Grand Prospect
After eating some snacks I started my journey back down the way I came. Not even half a mile down a group of 3 gentleman were headed up. They were super kind enough to invite me along the rest of their hike, they were going all the way to Rattlesnake Lake where they had left a car. I weighed my options…I really want to hike the whole mountain, they don’t look like they belong on the Post Office wall of wanted men, I’m not supposed to get in cars with strangers, I don’t want to hike alone…my sense of adventure won.
Norm, Wes and Jim were amazing company, I completely enjoyed my hike with them. They had some great stories from hiking around the world and there was never a dull moment for the rest of the trip. We stopped again at Grand Prospect before heading up to East Peak, where the amazing views were the same, then continued on our way. It was all downhill from there, but definitely not steep so it was easy on the knees. I was actually surprised how well maintained this trail is, it must get a lot of use. 
View from Upper Ledge

Looking down at the lower ledge
We stopped for lunch at the upper ledge on the east end of the mountain. Still pretty foggy but the clouds spread out and we enjoyed some nice views. It was neat how the clouds were hanging around the ridges across the valley. On the lower ledge below us, where I had hiked to back in July, we could see hikers coming and going before they were hidden behind the clouds and fog. They seemed so far away!

I'm hiking with oldies, they brought prunes! lol KIDDING!
As we got ready to continue our trek the rain picked back up. We had been pretty lucky, the trees mostly protected us from the sprinkles. We stopped in at the other set of ledges for some more views and pictures. It started to clear up once we got to the main ledge…blue skies and a rainbow even!
View from lower ledge
Mt Si
Me and the rainbow!

Jasmine watching mom blog
It wasn’t until now that we encountered other hikers coming up to the ledges from the lake. Quite a few dogs too. I really hope I can get Jasmine out here next weekend to bring her hiking with me! It’s been so long. There were many blow downs compared to the zero coming up from the west end. Nothing impassable, just have to hop over some downed trees. Look out for Sasquatch hiding in them!
It seemed to take no time at all to get down the mountain and before I knew it we were down at the lake ready to hop in the Miata and head out. After a quick stop at Mickey D’s they showed me the way to get back to the west end trailhead as you cannot exit from the freeway on the way back, you have to take the back road…good to know for next time.  

Looking back @ Rattlesnake Mt
Great day, great company. It felt like I had three dads hiking with me so I wasn’t scared of the spooky dark woods anymore. Lol Farewell till next time, hopefully I see you guys again on the trail some more!
Total distance 11 miles. I have no clue how long it exactly took.
For the record: online it says you need a Discover Pass at both trailheads. We did not see any signage at the Rattlesnake Lake TH and only a couple cars parked there actually had a pass visible.
Rattlesnake Lake looking a little dry


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Twin Falls

Beginning trail to Teneriffe Falls
Twin Falls 11/1/13
An unexpected yet very welcome hiking buddy this weekend! It was Lindsey's first hike and I was glad to bring her out and share the love of the outdoors with her. The plan was to go to Teneriffe Falls, 6 miles round trip and a fairly easy trek, so I've read. We pass the TH for Little and Big Si, both which weren't full today, and get to the Teneriffe TH with only 3 other cars. We head out on the flat, wide trail. I know this trail picks up and is more "trail-like" but at about 1.25 miles we decided to change plans. This was nice, but for a first time we were expecting something a little more "adventurous".
Being on a time restraint the options were little, but luckily Twin Falls was just down the road, in fact just 2 exits away! This is a perfect first hike trail, it's short and pretty easy and you can't beat the reward of two beautiful waterfalls.
This trail was more up to par and it made me so happy to see someone else having a great experience and loving Mother Nature! We took a lot of pictures on our 1 mile trek to the upper falls, so much fun! It took about 35 minutes to get to the viewing spot above the bridge.
small bridge crossing
Water on trail

Not many people on the trail today, a couple people hiking and a trail runner with her dog. What a difference from when I came here in July! There was water on the trail, but nothing too muddy or impassable. A little slick in the spot where there is clay around the trail though.
We saved the view of the lower falls for the way back. Passing a couple more people but we had the view spot to ourselves the entire time we snapped some pictures.
My favorite quote from today… “These are real waterfalls!” Apparently Lindsey thought I was serious when I told her the itty bitty streams we passed on trail were the falls. J I’m glad they ultimately exceeded her expectations! Final time was 2.22 miles in just under 1.5 hours total.
 So glad to have the opportunity to introduce someone new to hiking and look forward to more adventures together!
It’s a beautiful world out there, get out and enjoy it!