I enjoy watching documentaries. I can spend a whole day
lounging around at home watching one after another on different topics. I haven’t
done it in a while and almost forgot how entertaining, heart wrenching, educational
and much more it is. I enjoy an array of subjects but especially like the ones
focusing on the outdoors and ones bringing awareness on homelessness, poverty
and the like. It really opens your eyes and motivates you to do something about
it. Oh, and I also like watching ones about animals, ask me about hippos…I spent
a day watching all about them once! J
Today, after watching
about Skid Row in LA, I watched a group of children living in the subway in
Romania. Constantly high on paint thinners and being between the ages of 7 and
16 it’s a sad sight to watch. As depressing as it is, awareness is important
(whether it’s here or foreign). What really touched me is one of these kids
refuses to beg and will try to work for food/money. When asked what he likes
about living on the streets he responds with “to live free!” but this child is
smart… what he doesn’t like about living on the streets: “Not to be educated.
That no one is there to teach me.” He
goes on to say he liked [nature] science when he went through only 3 years of
schooling. No one is a lost cause, they just need people to care and take a
I recommend both of these. They are real eye openers and I
hope they encourage you, like they do to me, to do something about it. I know
there is MUCH more I can do and I have been trying to find places around town
where I can lend a hand. Many churches hold volunteer events as well as
organizations that specialize in helping the needy. I’m slowly getting more familiar
with opportunities to volunteer around here and I hope to share my time more
Here are the documentaries from tonight, they can both be
found on Hulu for free.
Lost Angels: Skid Row Is My Home (2010)
Children Underground (2001)