About Me

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Bremerton, Washington, United States
I’m Stefani and welcome to my very first blog. Here I will share with you my adventures! Be prepared for trip reports from my hiking excursions, keeping up with my journey of raising chickens, and pretty much anything that interests me that I feel I must share with the world!
“Stay Positive and Love Your Life!” - 311

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lazy trip reporter right here! ;)

Why do I always stop blogging when I'm having so many blog worthy times!? In the past few months I have been getting outside as often as I can, unfortunately I haven't been writing any trip reports. What gives!? It's hard to sit at a computer when I can play instead! Just had a fun-filled spring break complete with adventures every day of it! Hopefully I can whip up a little recap soon and share some pics and trail conditions!
Keep on exploring!

Here's a couple from yesterdays walk up Green Mt (Kitsap Peninsula) with Jas, we like to stretch our legs up there when in town to visit family and friends!
5 miles RT via Gold Creek trail head up the seconds tallest peak on the peninsula, it's a fairly easy hike with only 1000' gain. Great views of Kitsap, Seattle, and mt ranges from both sides on a clear day, I saw lots of fog this time! Still haven't ran into any motorbikes, but I hear them out there often as they are now allowed on the Gold Creek side. :/