About Me

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Bremerton, Washington, United States
I’m Stefani and welcome to my very first blog. Here I will share with you my adventures! Be prepared for trip reports from my hiking excursions, keeping up with my journey of raising chickens, and pretty much anything that interests me that I feel I must share with the world!
“Stay Positive and Love Your Life!” - 311

Monday, June 11, 2012


I did it! I finally got my chicks! I’ve been talking about getting chickens for months now, the next step in my mini urban homestead. They are the cutest little things! I am raising my chickens for their eggs, but they will also be my pets... the naming process has already begun.

The chicks hatched at, Kelsie’s house and she kindly gave them to me to raise. I can’t keep them all because we have a limit of how many I can have in the city, but we’re not sure which ones are hens and which are roosters yet so we’ll wait until they grow up a little more. I have the mama hen with me also and I must say she is such a great mom. She has been caring for them, protecting them and teaching them things already! They are so small right now so I have them in a giant metal tub while I get a coop put together.

It’s fun watching them. I must be like a new mom because I think everything they do is cute. I hope I’m still fascinated by them this much in the months to come! My first night I had them home I got worried about them so I went outside at 10:00pm with a headlamp and checked on them. Mama Hen was keeping them warm and safe and woke up just to stare at me, probably wondering what I was doing waking them at this hour. I brought the chicks home once they were 4 days old and they had been staying outside with their mama since then, so I knew they would be fine…but I couldn’t help but worry.

This week I plan on building their coop. Not exactly sure what I’m doing, but I have a few ideas. It might not be pretty, but it’ll be all mine! I can’t wait for fresh eggs!!


  1. Awww! What a good farmer-in-the-making you're becoming! I bet within a few years you'll want to move out of the city and get more animals! Ducks are amazing animals to keep, because they clean up bugs in your yard and they are also pretty handy at keeping unwanted animals from your yard. Mine used to chase dogs!

    1. I still havn't had a chance to check if ducks are included in the chicken laws, but if I can have one in addition to my chickens then we can go save your little duck!

  2. Hooray for chickens and urban homesteading! You're doing a great job, you should be proud of all your recent efforts. How is Jasmine doing with the chickens?

    1. Jas is very curious about them and always sniffs at their cage. It's only when the mama hen puffs up and pecks through the bars at her does Jasmine start jumping around and barking at them.
