About Me

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Bremerton, Washington, United States
I’m Stefani and welcome to my very first blog. Here I will share with you my adventures! Be prepared for trip reports from my hiking excursions, keeping up with my journey of raising chickens, and pretty much anything that interests me that I feel I must share with the world!
“Stay Positive and Love Your Life!” - 311

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Twin Falls

Beginning trail to Teneriffe Falls
Twin Falls 11/1/13
An unexpected yet very welcome hiking buddy this weekend! It was Lindsey's first hike and I was glad to bring her out and share the love of the outdoors with her. The plan was to go to Teneriffe Falls, 6 miles round trip and a fairly easy trek, so I've read. We pass the TH for Little and Big Si, both which weren't full today, and get to the Teneriffe TH with only 3 other cars. We head out on the flat, wide trail. I know this trail picks up and is more "trail-like" but at about 1.25 miles we decided to change plans. This was nice, but for a first time we were expecting something a little more "adventurous".
Being on a time restraint the options were little, but luckily Twin Falls was just down the road, in fact just 2 exits away! This is a perfect first hike trail, it's short and pretty easy and you can't beat the reward of two beautiful waterfalls.
This trail was more up to par and it made me so happy to see someone else having a great experience and loving Mother Nature! We took a lot of pictures on our 1 mile trek to the upper falls, so much fun! It took about 35 minutes to get to the viewing spot above the bridge.
small bridge crossing
Water on trail

Not many people on the trail today, a couple people hiking and a trail runner with her dog. What a difference from when I came here in July! There was water on the trail, but nothing too muddy or impassable. A little slick in the spot where there is clay around the trail though.
We saved the view of the lower falls for the way back. Passing a couple more people but we had the view spot to ourselves the entire time we snapped some pictures.
My favorite quote from today… “These are real waterfalls!” Apparently Lindsey thought I was serious when I told her the itty bitty streams we passed on trail were the falls. J I’m glad they ultimately exceeded her expectations! Final time was 2.22 miles in just under 1.5 hours total.
 So glad to have the opportunity to introduce someone new to hiking and look forward to more adventures together!
It’s a beautiful world out there, get out and enjoy it!


  1. Looks like fun - good job taking someone on their first hike!

  2. We need to get out together, you know it's been since the cleanup!? Hopefully our schedules will start working out and we can plan a hike soon. :)
